Wednesday, 2 May 2012

All Final Work

Ok so where I have been updating my blog with all my work throughout the year, it is a bit confusing to find the final pieces so I here is everything in a nutshell... Artifact 1: Natural light in a small room
Artifact 2: Natural light in a large room
Artifact 3: Textures
Artifact 4: Deterioration
Artifact 5: Artificial light A: Light source from lamp
B: Light source from a TV
C: Light source from a hallway light
D: Light source from the TV and lamp
Client Environmental Brief for D&AD Student Awards

Monday, 30 April 2012

Client: Hotel Of The Future Extended Version

This is my final extended version of my hotel room for my client project...

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Artefact 5: Lamp, TV Set and Hallway Light Initial Renders

Artificial light source coming from a Lamp...
This is the TV set in my living room. This is a render of my model before i have imported it into my living room scene...
Artificial light source coming from a TV...
Artificial Light coming from a ceiling light in the hallway...

Artifact 5: Artificial Lighting: Lamp Test

For my 5th artifact I am looking at how artificial lighting can create and change the character and aesthetics of an interior designed space. After doing some research I thought i'd start by making a lamp and getting the lighting right before I import it into my scene. I will be using the scene I created for artifact 1 as it is my living room at uni and I am able to take photos of artificial light in this room for reference images.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Artifact 4- Deterioration

Client: First Rendered Visual Walk through

Due to rendering issues I have had to improvise for this hand in, so my video is not what it should be however my work is still rendering so hopefully by the end of the weekend I should have this looking a lot better. But here's the first cut anyways...

Monday, 16 April 2012