Monday, 31 January 2011


Here is a test run of a pair of scissors for my characters hands

Thursday, 27 January 2011


Here are some photos I took at the weekend to help me with my project. The light isnt very good in some of them as it started to get dark...

Sunday, 23 January 2011


Here is a model I built in Google Sketchup. Its a mockup of what I want my inventors house to look like. It is not detailed as Sketchup is fairly simple and I couldnt create everything the way I wanted to, however its an idea.

Mood Boards

Here are my Character and Environment mood boards...

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Toy Story 3

I have been watching toy story to get ideas and the feel of how toys move as i am bringing dolls to life for my project. I saw this and thought it was really interesting. If you also look and woody running he dosent run like a normal human being. You can see the lack of controll in his arms and legs as they fling about. Its the small details like this that capture the cross between dolls and real life.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Church Of Bones

As i am creating my figures as dolls I have had an idea of making the scientist house out of doll parts. There is a church in Prague and it is filled with human bones, i thought this was interesting and relevant to my project, although i don't find it particularly nice to look at, it sends a shiver down my spine.

Around 1400 a Gothic church was built in the center of the cemetery with a vaulted upper level and a lower chapel to be used as an ossuary for the mass graves unearthed during construction, or simply slated for demolition to make room for new burials. After 1511 the task of exhuming skeletons and stacking their bones in the chapel was, according to legend, given to a half-blind monk of the order.

Between 1703 and 1710 a new entrance was constructed to support the front wall, which was leaning outward, and the upper chapel was rebuilt. This work, in the Czech Baroque style, was designed by Jan Santini Aichel.

In 1870, FrantiĊĦek Rint, a woodcarver, was employed by the Schwarzenberg family to put the bone heaps into order. The macabre result of his effort speaks for itself. Four enormous bell-shaped mounds occupy the corners of the chapel. An enormous chandelier of bones, which contains at least one of every bone in the human body, hangs from the center of the nave with garlands of skulls draping the vault. Other works include piers and monstrances flanking the altar, a large Schwarzenberg coat-of-arms, and the signature of Rint, also executed in bone, on the wall near the entrance.

Photoshop Image- Setting the scene

Here is a visual i created in photoshop.Its an idea of what i want my scene to look like.

Below are some images i have used and got ideas from for the creepy scene i created in photoshop above.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011


I have been researching images of house/mansions for my project. I want a creepy house that makes you feel on edge when you look at it.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

My First Model Attempt Finished

I have attempted to give him a face... we have not been taught this yet which is why it dosent look quite right as i tried to make it up, but here it is anyways...

Gannt Chart

Monday, 17 January 2011

First attempt at a low polygon model

In my seminar today we got taught how to create a simple low polygon character model. So here is my first attempt. I have given him clothes and some hair. I mainly used extrude, inset and bevel.

Sunday, 16 January 2011

A Sunday Night Idea

Another thought....

I have had an idea of using barbie dolls.... I thought I could model barbie dolls and create my figures barbie doll like.... I will deform them to look scarred and give a barbie doll scissors for hands. I feel barbie dolls have a creepy essence to them and I think I can really portray that. I can make it quite dark and I think I can go somewhere with this idea although creepy barbie dolls has already been done in mainly fine art so I would have to be carefull not to make it too unoriginal!

Design for New Company

Here is the letterhead...

Designs for a new company

This is a business card I have designed for a newly developed security firm. I have also created a letterhead and will be eventually designing them a clothing logo when they become more established. The company wanted something simple and minimal colour so it is cheaper to print as they are a new business.

The Business Card

Edward Scissorhands - Beginning of Film

Here is the intro to Edward Scissorhands, it has the credits and the part of the film that I will be creating.... I have posted this because I like the darkness and eeriness of it and you can also see the original script. The start of the script starts at about 2 mins 50 seconds.

This is a clip from Edward has a flashback.... It goes into a bit more detail of how he was made and shows you for the first time what his inventor looked like.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

No pen and paper

I have no pen and paper on me and have been thinking about my project and wanted to make a mental note to put in my hand journal and i know i will forget it. but i have been thinking about the correlation between edward and frankenstien and they are both good at heart... they both mean well but have only learnt so much about human behaviour. i want to portray this in my animation. edward has scissors for hands and looks scary but is really innocent and dosent really know his rights from wrongs and its the way people treated him that in turn made him react the way he did.... this is similar with frankinstien.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Script for the intro to Edward Scissorhands

OLD KIM Snuggle in, sweetie. It's cold out there. GRANDDAUGHTER
Why is it snowing, grandma? Where does it come

Oh, that's a long story, sweetheart.

I want to hear.

Oh, not tonight. Go to sleep.

I'm not sleepy. Tell me, please.

Well, all right. Let's see. I guess it would
have to start with scissors.


Well, there are all kinds of scissors. And once
there was even a man who had scissors for

A man?


Hands, scissors?

No, scissorhands. You know the mansion on top
of the mountain?

It's haunted.

Well, a long time ago, an inventor lived in
that mansion. He made many things, I suppose.
He also created a man. He gave him inside, a
heart, a brain, everything. Well, almost
everything. You see, the inventor was very old.
He died before he got to finish the man he
invented. So the man was left by himself,
incomplete and all alone.

He didn't have a name?

Of course, he had a name. His name was Edward.


I have decided to go with a dark theme to my project. I am going to create the beginning introduction to Edward Scissorhands however I am going to combine it with the frankenstien theme. For inspiration I am using the Addams Family and the Nightmare Before Christmas.

Monday, 10 January 2011

New Project

Had my first seminar back today... I have a lot of work to be getting on with!! But first of all I have a client project... My first real project :)! A new company for security has asked me to design a logo for their clothing, letterheads and business cards! They only want something simple and minimal colour so should be relatively simple however I am finding it hard to keep simple as I am so used to being creative and extravagant within graphic design! I will be posting some of my work on here soon once I have got some final designs together, which are nearly complete!

I am also looking for some work experiance. By this time next year I want to have had work experiance with at least two different architecture companies, so if anyone knows of anyone who I could get in contact with then let me know :)!