Monday, 31 October 2011

My Proposal and Evaluation for Simulated Client Project

I have been set a brief to create a multimedia product for the alumni association. We have been given a few examples of what the Alumni are looking for and one of them is a promotional video to encourage people to donate. I want to carry out this brief as I can see a lot of potential and immediately ideas came flowing to my head when I saw this brief. I want to make a stop-motion video to promote the alumni and at the same times encourage people to donate. I intend to hand draw all my images rather than use photos as I prefer the effect hand drawn images have compared to photos; it gives that edgy effect that’s not so clean and crisp. My target audience is between the ages 20- 40 however I would want to advertise it to all ages and I want to make it suitable to any age.

My brief for this project was to create a multimedia product for the alumni association. I feel I completed this brief with through research and within the time given. I carried out my research by looking at ‘Susannah Shaws’ "Stop-Motion: Craft Skills for Model Animation" for ideas and techniques on stop-motion; I also experimented with different methods for my animation. I tried making models to animate with, I tried experimenting with photos, drawings and also dived into 3DS MAX. I found hand drawing and using Photoshop to aid my drawings was going to be the best way forward for my ideas and for the time frame I had been given. A friend of mine works for the alumni association, so he managed to get me some leaflets and information on the alumni association which helped develop and further my research.

I feel my time management was reasonably good, considering I usually have a severe lack of organisation when it comes to my time management. I made a great conscious effort to plan my time wisely for this project and it paid off. If anything I spent too much time researching which could have gone towards final touches on my final animation. The actual stop motion I feel started well however it goes extremely fast and it gets faster and faster as the video goes on. If I had the extra time I spent on researching, I could have gone back and tweaked my stop motion video but I was running out of time so had no other choice than to leave it, which was really disappointing however it is a lesson learnt, and a lesson I don’t want to learn again in my LIVE client project.

I originally had trouble with deciding on a final idea, I knew I wanted to create a promotional video to encourage people to donate but it was deciding what method to use to create the video. I chose the stop motion as I think they’re fun to watch and they normally get people interested straight away as their eye catching. I know that every time I see a stop motion I am immediately interested.

Overall I think I executed this project thoroughly and although my final product was not to my entire satisfaction, I was pleased with the outcome and I was very happy with how I progressed with my time management skills.

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