Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Busy Busy Busy and on a Roll... I'm Back in the Game!!

I'v been very busy these last few weeks, trying to boost my work into a higher grade. I'v also been doing some work experience with a company called Courts Design doing exhibition visuals, it was a lot of fun and I really have enjoyed it. It's made me realise I would quite like to stay in this industry after university and it has also given me back my drive to succeed in my uni work. I'm on a roll now.

Working at Courts has also taught me a lot! They worked with me on my lighting skills and they have improved tremendously! My visuals look 10x better now just because of my lighting.

I have now completed artifact 1 and 2 completely! I do not need to go back and adjust anything in them. I am spending a lot of time on artifact 3 at the moment trying to get the textures spot on. This will lead into artifact 4 where I deteriorate the textures, so they need to be right first time around.

I have been documenting my research progress in a hand journal with images of my progress as I have gone along, this has helped me to see visually how much i have done and what I need to amend.

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