Monday, 9 November 2009

I had my first pixilation seminar on thursday, im really interested in animation so really looking forward to the rest of the three weeks. We all got put into groups and had to go and take roughly 350 photos which we will use to make animations with. We went out and took about 500 and had time for a cup of tea which we thought was really good, however when we got back to the room and our tutor looked at the photos, he realised we had taken some portrait and they all had to be landscape. This was my fault as the portrait ones I took... oops! However I didnt know we had to take them all landscape as he never told us and my classmates didnt think about it either. This is not the end of the world as I have plenty of time to go out and take my own, so tomorrow me and a couple of my classmates are going to take some more.

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