Monday, 2 November 2009

Its all making sense now

I am feeling so much happier about this course now, as I am finially understanding the process of the projects and what exactly is expected of me. I also now understand a bit more about these blogs and what we are meant to be using them for. I have been so used to working in sketch books that I didnt ever think about using an online space for a sketchbook. I think it is quite a good idea however I think I still prefer to use sketchbooks the old fashioned way. Futher to my tutor meeting, I have realised I should be posting all my work on here throught out the whole project, rather than waiting untill I have finished certain parts before uploading them all, and I can now see why that is so important.

Here is my plan for my interactive narrative, I have sketched out a couple before hand however I ended up editing them throught the last couple weeks as more ideas came to me.

There are basically two main routes you can go down, however only one route works. throughout each routes there will be a couple choices they have to make and the other slides are just continous however the gamer will have to cpntroll that movement. This plan is not set instone, it may vary as i put my images together, and I may still come accorss some faults.

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